Mobile App DevelopmentTechnology

MVP Vs MVVM: The Guide for Choosing the Right Architecture

The plethora of people using mobile devices and it’s steadily increasing in today’s digital era. This is due to the rapid growth of the mobile app development industry. Any professional developer must strive to create a high-quality, sustainable, flexible, and powerful mobile app. It’s a good idea to develop your application from the bottom up using a recognizable and easy-to-follow design pattern. The aim of mobile application development is to create systems that meet user and business demands and issues. Various technologies and architecture patterns, such as Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) and Model-View-Presenter (MVP), are utilized to do this.

But, which approach is best? Don’t worry, as a top mobile app development company, we’ve decided to overcome this. In this blog, you’ll find the answer to this question. In this blog, we’ll go through both approaches and will discuss their benefits, features, and in the end will compare both approaches. So, read on to learn more.

As the architectural design of an application is not even a straightforward, changeable aspect of the developed application, it should be determined first before development begins. The application development process can be a collection of standards based on the desired technological kit, and it can cover everything from inception to design to execution to updates and revisions. It maps out repeatable solutions using application architecture and includes both low-level and high-level architectural design based on specified architecture patterns.

Architecture patterns are pre-defined designs and methods for designing an application to reduce defects and make code easier to understand, interpret, and verify.

In the coming section, we’ll look at two of the most prevalent mobile app design patterns: Model-View-Presenter (MVP) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM).

Let’s start with,

MVP: Quick Overview

MVP is a design template based on MVC that is mostly used to create user interfaces. Simply said, the MVP is the long-awaited version that features a nicer user interface and has been built to allow for easier code modification. Model, Presenter, and View are the three parts of the MVP pattern.

  • Model – Data is contained in models. Models are merely entry points for business logic. They merely save the information. Consider models to be real-world objects. It was built with the aim of increasing the amount of code that could be tested through automation, and it tackles some concerns with the presentation layer by segregating business logic from the user interface. 
  • View – The UI component is handled by View. It manages the properties of views and is in charge of showing the data. The Presenter is dependable for interacting between the View and the data. View requests data from Presenter and Presenter processes the request and applies the relevant logic before returning data to View for display on the screen. UI components such as jQuery, HTML, CSS, and others are represented by the View. As a result, the view is responsible for displaying the data obtained from the controller. It also converts the model(s) into the user interface.
  • Presenter – It is the software’s processing unit. The presenter receives data from the View, evaluates it with Model, and returns the results to View once the processing is complete. Although the View and Presenter are completely separate, they communicate with one another via an interface.

Moving on, here are some,

Benefits of using MVP!

  • Because it contains a distinct application model, this model is easy to comprehend.
  • In this architecture, the view layer is rather light because it only contains a few explicit lines of code to facilitate visualization.
  • Among application components, there really is no conceptual link.
  • MVP presents three separate layers of abstraction, making it easier to debug apps. Because the business logic is distinct from the View, unit testing can be done while building an app.
  • It is simpler to test components in isolation.
  • The business logic and persistence logic are kept separate from the Activity and Fragment classes in MVP. This guarantees that the issues are better segregated.

Moving on, let’s discuss,

MVVM: Quick Overview

The View is active in this architecture, with actions, events, and data binding, and the View synchronizes with the ViewModel (which allows for presentation separation and provides methods and commands for managing and manipulating the Model). The MVVM allows a Team of professional app developers to leverage the Data Binding idea with less code, which gives them a considerable advantage in data connectivity.

The MVVM model is consist of:

  • Model – The model layer of the MVVM architecture is identical to the model layer of the MVP paradigm in that it contains data that serves as a gateway to the business logic. The model is also known to include data as well as data processing tools. Because the model layer is not directly linked to the view layer, the models can be reused in a variety of situations.
  • View – In the MVVM design, the View layer, which is responsible for data display, relates to many variables and actions in a customizable way. This layer also sends the values to the ViewModel, which helps to change the user interface view. 
  • ViewModel – The ViewModel (MVVM) is the bottom layer that also finally ends the model layer and sets up for available data. It also contains all of the information needed to display the view. Additionally, numerous views can functionally share a single ViewModel, allowing the same functionality to be used for a completely different design. The ViewModel makes data streams relevant to the View visible. Even in this scenario, it serves as a link between the database and the view, containing all functionalities.

Moving on, here are some,

Benefits of MVVM!

  • It allows users to replace components with ease.
  • It enables internal implementation changes to be made without impacting others.
  • The MVVM design concept enables developers to leverage Google’s official library to generate high-quality components and other aspects.
  • The MVVM pattern’s code is streamlined and similar to this code.
  • Workable independent components are provided.
  • It has the capability of independent unit testing.

Since we addressed both the patterns, now it’s time to move forward and check out the real deal, which is!

MVP vs MVVM: In-depth comparison

Compatibility in testing Far better than MVC, but not more than MVVMBest due to data binding 
TDD “Test Driven Development”Bit efficientTest coverage is upto 100% due to data binding 
Debugging Easy debuggingNot east due to complex layering patterns
Upgrades Bit difficult to do upgradationsEasy to do upgradations
Compatibility Not best for android app development Best for both android and iPhone app development 
Reliability Reliable, but not more than MVVMHighly reliable due to data binding capabilities 

MVP vs. MVVM: final thoughts

Application development is becoming a necessary component of growing a business. To do so, you’ll need to create an app that’s both visually appealing and easy to use. Each design pattern has its own significance and application areas. They’re all regarded as one of the greatest architectures for developing Android and iPhone app development. Quytech prefers the MVVM architecture because of its potential to become very useful, surprising benefits, and for many other reasons such as:

  • It offers best code structure
  • Best for complex apps 
  • Scalability 

Apart, the MVP architecture is best for simple apps. We hope you found this post to be informative. If you want more in-depth knowledge about which one suits best for your business or company, contact us. Quytech, a top mobile app development company, can assist you in determining what is the greatest fit for your company or business.